Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Summary of the Plot

The story of "The Sun Also Rises" is mainly focussed around a complex love affair. Hemingway, in the beginning of this novel, introduces the main characters: Jake Barnes, a war vetern of World War 1 who is now working as a journalist in Paris, Jake's best friend- Robert Cohn, an American expartriate, Lady Brett Ashley, the attractive woman who leads on men, Mike Cambell, a heavy drinker, scottish war vetern, and Brett's initial finace, Bill Gorton, a former acquiantence of Jake's who is also an American war vetern, and Pedro Romero, a nineteen year old prodigy bullfighter who is well known in Spain.
In the rest of Hemingway's novel, Hemingway goes on to describe that Jake's true love is Brett. For several years Jake and Brett had a flirtatious "relationship." However, Brett never wanted to pursue this relationship with Jake because she feared she would loose her virginity to him. Brett then shortly gets over Jake and follows her heart to be with Mike. Meanwhile, Jake still loves Brett but Jake's best friend Cohn has also fallen head over heels for Brett. Brett decides she wants to get away from Jake to make him understand that she doesn't want him and to be aloofed from their situation so she travels to San Sebastian with Cohn(as "friends") for a relaxing vacation.
Once she returns from San Sebastian with Cohn, Brett immediately flees to her "new" lover and fiance Mike. Jake hears of the news that Brett had fled the country to Spain with Cohn and is infuriated. The now melancoly and depressed Jake calls his acquintances Bill and Cohn and asks the two men if they will accompany him on an adventure to Pamplona(Spain) to get away from his problems. Both Bill and Cohn agree and the men fly to Pamplona for a fishing and partying expidiction.
Consequently, Brett and her finace Mike had wanted to get away as well and they travel to San Sebastian where they accidently encounter Jake, Cohn, and Bill. With all animosities and previous quarrels put aside, the group enjoys a pleasant vacation in Spain. When touring the beautiful countrysides of Spain, the group decides to see a classical Bullfight that Spain is highly recognized for. While at the bullfight Brett "falls in love" with the young and famous bullfighter Romero. After the bullfight is over Brett makes an effort to meet this talented teenager; Brett's efforts were succesful and she fianlly is introduced to Romero. Later that same night, Brett abandons her group and runs off to be alone with Romero. Evidently, Brett spends the evening at Romero's apartment.
The following morning, Jake meets up with his friends Mike and Bill. Shortly after, Cohn interrupts their meeting and demands to know where Brett had been last night. Once Jake reveals where Brett had spent the night Cohn is outragged and gets in a fight with the three men. Then, randomly, Brett discreetly packs up her belongings and travels to Madrid(capital of Spain) to be with Romero.After Brett, again, flees the city with another man, Jake, Mike and Bill seperate and each return home.
Once Brett's vacation with Romero promptly ends, she begs Jake to come to Madrid so they can "talk things out." Being that Jake is still in love with Brett, he happily agrees to go to Madrid to finally be united with Brett. Once Jake arrives in Madrid, Brett proclaims to him that she no longer is in love with Romero and wants to return to her fiance Mike. Heartbroken that Brett didn't proclaim her love to him, Jake sadly arranges a flight for him and Brett out of Madrid. While on the plane, Brett hints to Jake that they "could of had a wonderful time together." Jake maturally responds by saying "Yes, isn't it pretty to think so?"

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