Monday, October 19, 2009

15 examples of Imagery in the novel

  • Simile: " He looked a great deal as his compatriot must have looked when he saw the promised land,"(Hemingway 29).
  • Parallelism:"I've talked too ruddy much. I've talked myself all out to Jake,"(Hemingway 65).
  • Hyperbole:"It's enough to make a man join the Klan,"(Hemingway 93).
  • Alliteration:"The chauffeur came out, folding up the papers and putting them in the inside pocket of his coat,"(Hemingway 98).
  • Parallelism:"I knelt and started to pray and prayed for everybody.."" then i prayed for myself again..""so i prayed that the bull-fights would be good.."(Hemingway 103).
  • Imagery:"In the Basque country the land all looks very rich and green and the houses and villages look well-off and clean. Every village had a pelota court and on some of them kids were playing in the hot sun,"(Hemingway 97).
  • Simile:"Let's bet on something else. Can you bet on bull-fights?""You could," Bill said."It would be like betting on war..."(Hemingway 104).
  • Hyperbole/Alliteration:"I do not think I ever really hated him until he had that little spell of superiority at lunch,"(Hemingway 105).
  • Foreshadowing/Parallelism:"Don't get sore at this stage of the trip. How did you ever happen to know this fellow anyway?" "Don't rub it in,"(Hemingway 107).
  • Personification:"It's and honest face,"(Hemingway 108).
  • Personification:"You ought to wake up with your mouth full of pity,"(Hemingway 118).
  • Repetion: "Look at Ford. Look at President Coolidge. Look at Rockefeller. Look at Jo Davidson,"(Hemingway 129).
  • Metaphor:"Enjoying living was learning to get your moneys worth and knowing you had it,"(Hemingway 152).
  • Simile:"I stood up. I had heard them talking from a long way away. It all seemed like some bad play,"(Hemingway 196).
  • Metaphor:"You're not a moroon, You're only a case of arrested development,"(Hemingway 51).


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. this helped a lot but for future reference could you add paradoxes or Juxrapostitions?

  3. who else researching for AP Lit term paper lmao
